Medway Music Association
Celebrating 81 Years of Excellent Music Services for Medway Pupils
Summer Music Courses
Medway Music Associations Summer Music Courses 2022
23rd July to 28th July
Venue: Rainham Mark Grammar School, ME8 7AJ
We are delighted to announce our Summer Music Courses for 2022!
Please find information below for all courses and who they are suitable for. Please read this carefully.
Please note places will be given on a first come first served basis.
Closing date for applications: Saturday 2nd July 2022
Our new KS1 course is designed to introduce KS1 children to music through some exciting and engaging musical activities. The activities will include musical story sacks, musical games, fun songs and the chance to perform together using a range of percussion instruments. We hope that your children will learn lots of new musical skills, which build the foundations for learning instruments when they're ready.
Entry requirements: No previous experience is necessary.
For children in school years 1 and 2 (age 5-7).
Please note - This course will run four times across Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th July. Please tick your preferred date on the application form. We will contact you to confirm which time slot you have been allocated.
Place will be allocated on a first come first served basis and numbers will be limited. Therefore please apply early to avoid disappointment.
Saturday 23rd July:
Course 1: Arrival time 9.20am, course starts 9.30am - 12.00pm
Course 2: Arrival time 12.50pm, course starts 1pm – 3.30pm
Sunday 24th July:
Course 3: Arrival time 9.20am, course starts 9.30am - 12.00pm
Course 4: Arrival time 12.50pm, course starts 1pm – 3.30pm
Suggested Donation: £5
Our new taster day is designed to give KS2 children the opportunity to experience a variety of fun musical activities including musical games, bucket drumming, boomwhackers and more.
Entry requirements: No previous experience necessary. For pupils in school years 3 to 6 inclusive (age 7-11).
Suggested Donation: £10
Our Beginner Band course is aimed at KS2 and KS3 pupils who have had a minimum of a term or more of instrumental lessons. This course will give pupils the opportunity to play their instrument in an ensemble as well as a range of other fun musical activities. All instruments welcome.
Entry requirements: For pre-grade 1 standard young musicians who have had a minimum of one terms instrumental lessons. Bring your own instrument. For pupils in school years 3 to 9 inclusive (age 7-14).
Suggested Donation: £10
Our 3-day Summer Music Course will provide opportunities for playing in small instrumental ensembles and a large band. Fun musicianship games and activities will also be included. All instruments welcome. The course will culminate in a free concert for family and friends at 2.30pm on Wednesday 27th July. Participants must attend all three days.
Entry requirements: For young musicians who are grade 1 to 3 standard on their chosen instrument. This is a suggested standard for the course, you do not need to have taken the exam. Bring your own instrument. For pupils in school years 3 to 13 inclusive (age 7-18).
Suggested Donation: £20
Our 3-day Summer Music Course will provide opportunities for playing in small instrumental ensembles and a large band. Fun musicianship games and activities will also be included. All instruments welcome. The course will culminate in a free concert for family and friends at 2.30pm on Wednesday 27th July. Participants must attend all three days.
Entry requirements: For young musicians who are grade 4 and above standard on their chosen instrument. This is a suggested standard for the course, you do not need to have taken the exam. Bring your own instrument. For pupils in school years 3 to 13 inclusive (age 7-18).
Suggested Donation: £20
Beginner Course: 10:30am - 11:30am
This session will offer you the chance to work with an online Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). You will learn how to create music electronically and production techniques such as looping, automation and sampling, as well as creating music for specific purposes, e.g. music for adverts, films etc.
Entry requirements: No previous experience necessary. For pupils in school years 5 to 13 inclusive (age 9-18). You will need a laptop or desktop computer for this course.
Intermediate Course: 11:45am – 12:45am:
This Course will explore samples (a short snippet of audio that already exists and is repurposed for a new composition) and how we can use them to create a unique piece of music using a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). Students will be given a selection of samples to choose from and will create a short composition using their chosen sample
as a hook or leading factor of their piece.
Check out: Edwin Birdsong-Cola Bottle Baby 1979; Daft Punk- Harder Better Faster Stronger 2001; Alice Deejay- Better off Alone 1998; David Guetta-Play Hard 2013 for examples of sampling and how it can be used to create music.
Entry requirements: For pupils in school years 5 to 13 inclusive (age 9-18) who have had some experience using BandLab. You will need a laptop or desktop computer for this course.
Suggested Donation: £5
To apply for one of more of these courses please click the relevant button below:
MMA’s Summer application form/Summer Music Tech Application form and return to info@medwaymusicassociation.co.uk
Or by post to:
MMA c/o Sarah Coole
95 Weston Road,
Rochester Kent,
ME2 3HB.
*Please note, it is hoped that all applicants will be accepted for the Music Courses, but places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Donations: Medway Music Association and Dynamics CIC work hard to offer musical opportunities to all young people in Medway. We firmly believe that financial barriers should not exist for anyone. We have
managed, in increasingly challenging financial times, to keep the vast majority of our music provision free to all and only ask for minor contributions for a small number of our activities, all of which have a simple bursary scheme.
In order to keep our events and holiday courses accessible to every young person in Medway, we would be very grateful for any donations you can make. All proceeds will go to supporting the work of Medway
Music Association and Dynamics CIC.
Donations can be made via Paypal using the QR code below. Alternative methods, cheque made payable to Medway Music Association, cash, bank transfer (please email info@medwaymusicassociation.co.uk if you would like to make a donation via bank transfer).
If you have any questions, please email us at info@medwaymusicassociation.co.uk
Summer Music Course - for KS1 Pupils
23rd July and 24th July
Summer Music Course - for KS2 Taster Day
Saturday 23rd July 09:45 - 15:00
Beginner Band - for KS2 & KS3 Pupils
Sunday 24th July 09:45 - 15:00
Summer Music Course - Grade 1 to 3 Instrumentalists
Monday 25th - Wednesday 27th July 09:45 - 15:00
Summer Music Course - Grade 4 and above Instrumentalists
Monday 25th - Wednesday 27th July 09:45 - 15:00
ONLINE Music Technology Course:
Thursday 28th July
Apply here!
Send your completed application form by email to:
or by post to:
MMA c/o Sarah Coole
95 Weston Road,
ME2 3HB.
Closing date for applications: Saturday 2nd July 2022
Donations can be made via Paypal using the QR code below.
Alternative methods, cheque made payable to Medway Music Association, cash, bank transfer. Please email:
if you would like to make a donation via bank transfer.
If you have any questions, please email us at
Apply here!
Send your completed application form by email to:
or by post to:
MMA c/o Sarah Coole
95 Weston Road,
ME2 3HB.
Closing date for applications: Saturday 2nd July 2022.
Donations can be made via Paypal using the QR code below.
Alternative methods, cheque made payable to Medway Music Association, cash, bank transfer. Please email:
if you would like to make a donation via bank transfer.
If you have any questions, please email us at
Apply here!
Send your completed application form by email to:
or by post to:
MMA c/o Sarah Coole
95 Weston Road,
ME2 3HB.
Closing date for applications: Saturday 2nd July 2022
Donations can be made via Paypal using the QR code below.
Alternative methods, cheque made payable to Medway Music Association, cash, bank transfer. Please email:
if you would like to make a donation via bank transfer.
If you have any questions, please email us at
Apply here!
Send your completed application form by email to:
or by post to:
MMA c/o Sarah Coole
95 Weston Road,
ME2 3HB.
Closing date for applications: Saturday 2nd July 2022.