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News Archive


Do you have a child aged 5 - 7 who loves music? Come and join us at Sing & Play!

Sing & play introduces young children to music by singing nursery rhymes, through movement and dancing, by learning percussion instruments and a basic keyboard skills. Sessions also focus on different features of music such as pitch, tempo and dynamics but the most important part is having fun

Rochester Cathedral Festival Compendium CD

Listen again to the wonderful singing at our Cathedral Carol Festival 2015 by ordering a compendium CD. If you would like a CD please Contact Us. Don't forget to check out the fantastic photographs too!


Medway Youth Orchestra & Medway Yout Choir Launch Concert

The newly-formed Medway Youth Orchestra and Medway Youth Choir came together to perform a wonderful launch concert at the Royal Dockyard Church in Chatham. 


Rochester High Street Christmas Lights Event

Our Medway Schools Wind Band and Training Wind Band performed alongside local schools, colleges, universities and community groups for the switching on of the Christmas Lights 2015. A brilliant performance at a very festive event! For all the photographs taken on the day please see the Gallery.


Medway Music in South Africa

Licensed Music Teacher, Debbie Sowter, recently visited a school in South Africa to see music being taught and to offer her own expertise. She shares her experiences in a news article - a great read!

Rochester Children's Choir launch

We are delighted to announce that Rochester Children's Choir will be launching in the Autumn Term 2015! There is no audition involved: any boy or girl aged 7 - 13 can join! 

'Making Music with Youth Orchestra' 

The newly-formed Medway Youth Orchestra struck a high note with audiences during its debut performance at the St. George's Centre at Chatham Maritime.

Music Centre has a visitor 07.03.15 

On Saturday 7 March 2015 Councillor Mike O'Brien, the lead portfolio holder for Children's Services at Medway Council, joined our young musicians at St. Margaret's Music Centre.

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